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ave you ever felt you don't have enough hours in the day? Or that you'd give anything for a whole day to catch up with yourself? Well, here are some ideas that work for me.First of all, make a to-do list every day and set clear priorities.The trick here isn't making the list; that's the easy part. The trick is making the priorities.I look at my list and put a star next to anything that is really urgent. Then I put the number "2"next to anything that will just take a couple of minutes. I actually do these quick tasks before I get on with the urgent ones; it's a bit like clearing off the top of your desk before sitting down to write that important letter.Second, know when is the most productive time of day for you and do your work or study then. One of the shocking discoveries I made about myself is that if I get up at 5 am.I can do a day's work and even fit breakfast in before half past nine. Of course, if you are an early bird, it can be difficult to accomplish tasks that involve phoning "night owls"。but that's what email's for!Finally. do not let your inbox run your life. I just realized recently how frequently I interrupted my real work to check my inbox and respond to the most trivial of emails, So,now I only open it when absolutely necessary and this saves me hours.If your work depends on you being constantly accessible by email, then you can't do this; but be honest and ask your self,"Am I an email addict?"With these simple,practical techniques, you will become more efficient,less stressed and be able to win some "me-time" for yourself.Q1: What tasks does the speaker tend to do first every day?


发布时间:2024-08-29 10:46:39
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